Soucy Techno

Explore our collaborative approach, rigorous testing, and a Centre of Excellence to develop the market's best rubber compounds.

Soucy techno solution entete
Out Three Keywords: Quality, Expertise, Innovation

Our Custom Rubber Compound Solutions

Opting to collaborate with Soucy Techno signifies a commitment to prioritizing quality and expertise. With over 75 years of experience and hundreds of projects under our belt, we have amassed a wealth of essential knowledge, allowing us to deliver premium-quality rubber solutions tailored to your exact requirements. 

This sets us apart from standardized products in the market. Our emphasis on expertise and innovation ensures that we bring added value through our extensive know-how. 

Additionally, our close client relationships enable us to continually enhance our offerings.

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Our Laboratory and Tests

In our specialized laboratory, our expert team formulates the optimal rubber blend tailored to your needs.

To guarantee exceptional performance, we subject hthe blends to rigorous testing across various properties: 

  • Dynamic stiffness
  • Heat generation
  • Thermal aging resistance (aerobic and anaerobic) 
  • Abrasion resistance
  • Stress-strain properties in simple tension, compression, or shear
  • Fatigue life

incorporating data from tests conducted with specialized machines, we determine the best formulation.

To enhance precision, we collaborate with a simulation testing team, ensuring the reliability and performance of our solutions. No aspect is overlooked in our pursuit of excellence! 

Soucy Techno lab
Encouraging Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

Centre of Excellence in Polymer Material Optimization (CEOMP)

Soucy Techno's Centre of Excellence in Polymer Material Optimization (CEOMP) was created to be a hub for exchange, sharing, and pooling knowledge.

Mobilizing different skillsets within one single centre paves the way for the implementation of new technologies, thereby enabling us to be an innovation leader in the rubber industry.

The goal of the CEOMP is to showcase innovations to all the teams across Soucy’s various subsidiaries, specifically Soucy Rubber in order to enhance track systems. The goal is to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing within the company.

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Bespoke solutions

Our approach focused on collaboration, rigorous testing, and our Centre of Excellence enable us to develop the best rubber compounds on the market, tailored to your needs. 

Soucy techno solution CTA