Production Jobs: A Career In Mould Assembly!

Rubber Tracks
Emploi en production faire carriere en assemblage moulage

Production jobs in manufacturing companies are numerous, varied and sometimes little-known. To find out more about what an assembler-moulder does, the benefits of this position and the skills required, we talked with Dany Lambert, assembler moulder!

Assembler moulders manufacture rubber tracks for motorized sports vehicles, snow blowers, industrial and agricultural vehicles as well as defence vehicles. "We take the raw material, which arrives in various sizes, and put it on a large assembly wheel. We carefully follow the recipe to obtain a rubber structure that is inserted into a large press for curing," explains Dany.

On a day-to-day basis, assembler moulders carry out numerous tasks, including:

  • Vulcanization: the raw rubber is placed in the press. This cures the track. This step can take anywhere between 10 minutes to 7 hours depending on the size of the model.
  • Trimming: the excess rubber, or "trim", is removed from the sides of the track.
  • Process control: throughout the process, data is collected to ensure that the tracks are always identical.

Although their tasks sometimes require physical exertion, assembler moulders rely on tools to handle the tracks without exerting too much force to avoid the risk of injury. "I often work on rubber tracks for defence vehicles, and we use a special overhead crane to handle them because they can weigh up to 1,000 kg," says Dany. Other, lighter models can be moved by hand.

Teamwork: The work is done both individually and as a team. Large tracks for defence vehicles require several people on the job, since these kinds of mandates involve large equipment. In essence, engineers, team leaders and assembler moulders work hand in hand to build the tracks.

The opportunity to express their ideas: Employees are encouraged to share their ideas and suggest new ways of doing things. This enables our engineering department to ensure the production process is a smooth one and that our customers are satisfied with the results. We need employees who want to push their limits and motivate each other. This is how we can innovate and exceed our goals.

There's no specific curriculum for learning the trade. It's something you learn on the job with the support of colleagues and the team. That said, the people selected:

  • Are attentive to what they do, diligent and meticulous
  • Enjoy working with their hands
  • Dare to put forward ideas for improving the product or how it is manufactured.

As far as experience is concerned, we offer on-the-job training! As long as you're willing to learn and collaborate, you'll get the job done right.

Many employees have been doing this job for many years. This is the case for Dany who has been working as an assembler moulder for 20 years.

However, for those who prefer change, there are plenty of opportunities for advancement within the company. Subsidiary employees are not tied indefinitely to the position they were hired for. In fact, we encourage them to develop their skills and make their own way. In fact, most of Soucy Caoutchouc's current team leaders started out as operations assistants or assembler moulders.

Interested in a job as an assembler moulder? Join our close-knit team!