Privacy Policy


Soucy Enterprises (“Soucy” or “we”) cares deeply about protecting the personal information it collects as part of its activities, including information collected when individuals consult its website (“Website”) or use its online functions.

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) aims to describe the practices Soucy undertakes to apply as part of its activities to ensure the protection of the personal information in holds.



This Policy reflects Soucy’s unwavering dedication to protecting the personal information of the following individuals:

a)    Visitors and users of its Website whenever personal information is collected
b)    Persons who apply for a job via its Website (
c)    Persons who communicate with Soucy
d)    Persons whose personal information is otherwise collected as part of Soucy’s activities

For the purposes of this Policy, “personal information” means any information relating to a natural person that allows that person to be identified directly (ex.: last name, first name, email address) or indirectly (a personal information that when combined with other information can be used to identify the person).



Soucy’s practices to protect personal information are based on the following guidelines:


Before collecting, using, or releasing your personal information, Soucy will obtain your consent in accordance with applicable requirements, unless as otherwise provided by law (for instance, in connection with penal or criminal proceedings).

You may withdraw your consent for Soucy to use your personal information if it is not essential to the management and administration of your products and services. For instance, information used to invite you to take part in a survey or contest, send you targeted advertising, generate statistics, or analyze your data. If you withdraw your consent, Soucy will no longer use this information for these purposes.

It will generally not be possible to withdraw your consent to your personal information being used for the management and administration of our products and services without ending your business relationship with us.

If you would like to withdraw your consent, please contact our Privacy Officer at with the subject line “Protection of personal information”.


Soucy ensures that it only collects personal information that is required for the purposes of its activities and for purposes for which you have consented. These may include:

  • Personally identifying information such as your first name, last name, email address, mailing address, and phone number.
  • Personal information needed to optimize your experience on our website such as your IP address, location data, browsing habits.
  • Personal information that is in your CV.

Soucy will make sure that the personal information it holds is up to date at the moment it is used.


Directly from you
The personal information Soucy collects is generally provided directly by you. For instance, when you:

  • Contact the company
  • Visit its Website
  • Apply for a job online
  • Take part in surveys and contests

From a third party
Soucy may also collect your personal information from a third party or authorized representative with your consent or if the law authorizes it to collect it in that manner.

Via cookies
When you access Soucy’s Website, cookies will be deposited on your computer and may collect personal information such as your IP address to improve your browsing experience and the content on the Website.

The following is a description of the cookies present on our Website:

Strictly necessary cookies:

These are essential for the Website to function optimally. They are activated when you visit the Website and do not collect any personal information.

Customization cookies:

  • Functional cookies: used to activate electronic communication services or to provide a service that you have expressly requested.
  • Performance cookies: improve the browsing experience for Website users.
  • Advertising cookies: gather information about the user’s browsing habits on the Website to deduce their fields of interest. Personalized advertising will then be displayed on the Website and on other websites using the same advertising network.
  • Analytical cookies: create the Website’s statistical base by tracking unique visits, traffic source, number of visits, most visited pages, duration of sessions, and browser information to generate analytical reports.

You can manage your cookie preferences in your browser settings. However, disabling cookies may hinder your browsing experience (ex.: difficulties encountered when trying to save, use services, or display content).


Soucy only collects, uses, and releases your personal information for the purposes for which you have consented or when authorized by law. You will be notified of the purposes for which Soucy collects your personal information when this information is collected.

Soucy collects your personal information for purposes that include the following:

  • Confirming your identity and verifying the accuracy of your personal information
  • Assessing whether you are a good candidate for a job position
  • Soliciting your participation in contests and surveys
  • Targeted testing of our products
  • Sending you promotional communications
  • Analyzing data and generating statistics
  • Maintaining and optimizing our Website and personalizing and adapting the browsing experience to your needs
  • Contacting you
  • Meeting legal and regulatory requirements

You can contact us at any time to find out more about these purposes.


Soucy ensures that the personal information it holds can only be accessed by its employees, representatives, or agents who need to access to this information in the performance of their duties.

Soucy may release your personal information to business partners, providers, government bodies, and others as part of its activities. These third parties may include:

  • Companies specializing in credit and background checks
  • Digital solutions providers
  • Marketing and advertising services providers
  • Data hosting, server, and systems providers
  • Control authorities such as the Commission d’accès à l’information
  • Any other person authorized by law to obtain this information

To facilitate the recruitment process, Soucy uses the Cegid Digitalrecruiters software maintained by BANKESS to post job offers and collect and manage applications. Soucy is responsible for processing the personal information communicated and BANKESS acts as the subcontractor.

Soucy will ensure that your personal information will remain confidential when released to third parties. Moreover, Soucy undertakes to not sell, transfer, or lease your personal information to a third party.


Soucy will only keep your personal information for as long as required for the purposes for which it was collected and in accordance with applicable retention periods. Your personal information will generally be kept in Québec. However, your personal information may be released to some providers and thereafter be transferred outside of Québec. In this situation, Soucy will validate the privacy laws and practices governing personal information in the relevant jurisdictions and will verify that the required safeguards are in place to ensure your personal information is adequately protected.

When your personal information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, Soucy will destroy it according to a process that ensures it remains confidential.


Soucy applies security measures that are proportionate to the sensitivity of the information it holds, the purposes for which it is to be used, the quantity and distribution of the information and the medium on which it is stored. These security measures aim to protect personal information against loss or theft, or unauthorized access, use, or release.

The security measures applied by Soucy include:

  • Administrative measures such as ongoing information security training including key concepts pertaining to privacy, ethics, policies, and guidelines governing security, professional ethics and laws, as well as best practices for identity and access management such as least privilege and task segregation.
  • Physical measures such as perimeter protection for Soucy’s companies, security cameras, access cards, restricted physical access to server rooms, and workstations locking automatically after a period of inactivity.
  • Technical measures such as software for the purposes of identification, protection, and detection of technological threats, password complexity based on best practices, multi-factor authentication, prompt identification and correction of vulnerabilities affecting our information assets.

Soucy respects your legal rights pertaining to your personal information and has therefore implemented procedures to comply with these rights.

Accessing information, correcting information, and submitting complaints
You have the right to consult the personal information about you that Soucy holds, to verify its accuracy, and to modify it, if necessary, except when provided for by law.

You also have the right to learn how your personal information is processed (ex.: usage, categories of third parties to whom it is released, applicable retention periods, etc.) and to submit complaints if these processes do not comply with the principles listed in this Policy or with applicable privacy laws and regulations.

Any request to access, modify, or obtain information or any complaint pertaining to your personal information must be communicated in writing to the Privacy Officer. Their information is listed below.

Soucy undertakes to provide an answer to the requests as listed above within thirty (30) days following reception.

Automated processing
If Soucy implements a decision-making process based exclusively on automated processing (without human intervention) of personal information, for instance a process that has a specific effect on a person (e.g., eligibility for employment) and that relies solely on an algorithm, you will be notified of the fact you are the subject of such a process, of the decision that was rendered, and your right to comment on the decision. Upon request, you can also be notified of the following:

  • Personal information used to render this decision
  • Reasons that led to the decision
  • Your right to correct the personal information used to render this decision
  • Access to a person with the authority to review this decision, if applicable



The Privacy Officer is responsible for ensuring the protection of your personal information.

They can be reached at:

Mailing address: 5450 Saint-Roch Sud, Drummondville (Québec) J2B 6V4
Email address: "Protection of personal information "



Soucy reserves the right to change this Policy at any time and without prior notice. You can consult the Policy on this Website at any time. The date of the last update can be found at the bottom of this page.

(Last update on November 21, 2023)