To Change Jobs Or Not? Taking Stock During The Vacations

Changer d emploi ou non Faire le point pendant les vacances

Do you sometimes feel like changing jobs, but hesitate? It's normal: it's a big change that will have a major impact on your life. It's a decision that requires a lot of thought.

The vacation period is a good time to step back and take stock of your professional life. Away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, you'll be able to better define the advantages and disadvantages of a career change. Here are a few tips to guide you in your reflection.

Do you feel the call of new challenges and find yourself consulting job offers here and there? Examining the source of these causes will help you make a decision. In the workplace, a few irritants can make you think about changing jobs. These problems can sometimes be solved without changing jobs:

Do you feel the call of new challenges and find yourself consulting job offers here and there? Examining the source of these causes will help you make a decision. In the workplace, a few irritants can make you think about changing jobs. These problems can sometimes be solved without changing jobs:


Poor working relationships

Misunderstandings with colleagues or managers are a frequent cause of departures. It's true that interpersonal conflict in the workplace is a major obstacle to happiness.

Before you give up, ask yourself if you have the power to improve the situation. Have you spoken directly to the person concerned? Can you be transferred to another team? In any company, you'll have to deal with different personalities and experience conflict. The solution before you leave your job may be to learn to work with people you don't get on with as well, or to practise resolving these conflicts.

But if you don't get on at all with your colleagues and you feel out of place in the company, it may be time to explore new horizons. And of course, if you're experiencing inappropriate behavior such as harassment or psychological abuse, don't hesitate to report it.


Unsatisfactory tasks and responsibilities

If your tasks no longer stimulate you and you're thinking of changing jobs, start by determining what kind of projects would make you tick. This can be based on past experience, hobbies or volunteer work. Then propose a new project to your superior that corresponds more closely to your aspirations; your initiative will undoubtedly be well received and encouraged! The result will surely reawaken your motivation.


Persistent symptoms of stress

When your head can't make a decision, sometimes your body has to. If you're overwhelmed by stress or anxiety, exhausted, unable to sleep or even eat, you need to take action. Identify the causes of these symptoms so you can do something about them. Get help if you need it. Many companies, including Soucy, offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and telemedicine services for this type of situation.

If your work context makes it impossible to reduce your stress factors, don't wait and find a job that won't harm your health. You deserve it!


A salary that doesn't suit you

It can be tempting to change jobs to get better pay. But don't forget to consider the benefits package. These can take the form of fringe benefits, an RRSP contribution from your employer, an employee assistance program or flexible working hours.

At Soucy, in addition to all the benefits mentioned above, employees benefit from telemedicine, a referral bonus, an allowance for work-related relocation, and the encouragement of internal development and mobility.

Self-knowledge is the key to getting your dream job. First, ask yourself if your desire to change jobs stems from a mismatch between your values and those of the company. To feel fulfilled at work, it's essential that your tasks are meaningful to you.

It's also important to understand that every change brings with it gains and losses. You want to gain something by changing jobs, but have you thought about what you're going to lose? Take the whole equation into account: work distance, work tools, environment, autonomy; after several years with the same company, we sometimes take for granted these little extras that we won't necessarily find elsewhere.

Then make a list of the benefits you couldn't do without. No job is perfect, so prioritize! What's in it for you, and what are you willing to give up? Which of your employees' needs are most important to you?

Changing jobs is often a stepping stone in a career, or a way of gaining the experience needed to achieve professional goals. Where do you see yourself in 5, 10 or 20 years? With a clear vision of where you want to be, you can identify the steps that will lead you to your goal, and analyze whether a change of job will help you progress more quickly.

Before you look elsewhere, check whether a career change within your company is an option. Talk to your manager about your aspirations and find out together what the possibilities are for you.

Some employers, like Soucy, are open to offering training, coaching or freeing up a few hours a week for professional development. An employer who knows your value and believes in your potential will be happy to contribute to your professional development, especially if it means keeping you around longer!

Changing jobs requires careful thought. Take the time to understand your true motivations, be honest with yourself and don't make decisions based on emotion.