International Interns’ Day – 3 Students Share Their Experience


Dozens of interns come to Soucy every year to discover their strengths and explore potential career paths.

We sat down with Maude, Charles, and Océane, three students who accepted internship positions within Soucy’s various subsidiaries for the fall of 2023. They are all interning in a field that is not quite connected to their area of studies in order to expand their horizons. This is the very definition of going beyond the beaten path! In honour of International Interns’ Day, we’re sharing their story.

Maude Carbonneau stagiaire en optimisation

Maude is studying biotechnological engineering at Université de Sherbrooke in a co-op program that allows students to complete several internships during their university studies. Maude chose to complete her third internship in optimization at Soucy Track Systems.

As part of her internship, Maude mainly works on ensuring the conformity of the parts produced. “It isn’t exactly in my fiend of studies, but the co-op program allows us to try new fields and, most importantly, learn. So I’m taking advantage of this opportunity,” she said. At first, Maude was worried she wouldn’t feel part of the team but some challenges they faced required knowledge of chemistry. “My manager gave me the freedom to find ways to solve problems. I was able to establish links between cause and effect and recommend some solutions.”

As part of her everyday duties, she plans and oversees tests on parts alongside her team. She then proceeds with various analyses based on where the manufacturing process failed. “I’m learning every day! The team that I work with keeps me informed and is very open-minded,” said Maude enthusiastically.

Thanks to the warm welcome she received, Maude now feels she is an effective member of the team who is living up to her full potential. She appreciates the trust her manager has placed in her and their availability for her.


The advice she has for future interns

“Don’t be afraid to try something new! Get out of your comfort zone to see if you like the field. An internship is the perfect time to try it out!”

Charles Lauziere stagiaire aide technicien developpement ingenierie

Charles studies mechanical engineering at the Cégep de Drummondville. The program allows students to apply their knowledge while pursuing their studies. Charles began at Soucy Plastiques as a production line employee. He was offered an internship when he spoke with his supervisor about his educational experience. “The team and I clicked! Soucy offered me a part-time job that was adapted to my school schedule.”

During his second internship, Charles wanted to explore another field: machining. “I wanted to expand my knowledge because internships allow you to learn a lot and help train you as a professional.” He joined the team at Soucy Rivalair in the summer of 2023.

Charles told us he was very grateful for his experience at Soucy. “I learned so much during these two internships. I was able to develop my own working methods. Our classes teach us how to work methodically but actually doing it is much more concrete.”

In the fall of 2023, Charles is interning as an engineering development technician assistant at Soucy Plastiques. He helps engineers and project managers test new products. “I love being on the floor where the action happens. The challenges are very stimulating, and the people are great!” He was even promised a position after he graduates in May 2024!


The advice he has for future interns

“Having the courage to discuss my ambitions allowed me to secure a position once I graduate!” He therefore believes students should be self-assured and open up to their manager.

Oceane Trinque Perreault stagiaire en ressources humaines et SST

Océane is enrolled in the business administration, human resources, co-op program at Université de Sherbrooke. As someone who is from Drummondville, she always wanted to work at Soucy. “It’s a major company that is well established and it’s made a name for itself over the years. Soucy is a source of pride for Drummondville!”

Her first internship was split between the human resources and occupational health and safety departments. Even if OSH was not exactly her field of study, she still decided to take on the challenge. “I wanted to try something completely different. After all, the worst that could have happened was realizing it wasn’t for me!” In the end, Océane enjoyed her experience and continued to work at Soucy part time. “I was offered a position in the HR department during the summer of 2023 so I could help them out while pursuing my university studies.”

She was able to remain with Soucy thanks to the company’s flexible schedules. When her semester gets busy, she can reduce her hours. “We all help each other out. People here are available and take the time for each other.” She was also happy to learn how close the teams are. “It’s really a family environment. We all know each other and smile at each other in the hallways.”

After a semester working part time, Océane is completing her second internship at Soucy Track Systems in the HR department.


The advice she has for future interns

“Don’t let the internship description stop you. Internships are designed to allow you to explore various jobs and companies. Go for it, even if the challenges seem huge! Make sure to choose a company that shares your values,” she says.

If you also want to venture out into the labour market and explore your potential in a company that wants to see you thrive, check out our internships available! If you can’t find anything that suits you, send us a request by email at